ADClip 7 – Free Clipping Plugin For Windows & Mac

ADClip 7, the latest offering from Airwindows, introduces a range of controls that redefine your clipping experience. The plugin includes a boost control, soften control, enhance control, and a multi-function control with three options: normal, gain-matched, and Clip Only. These controls work interactively, providing a nuanced approach to clipping dynamics.

In normal mode, the boost function amplifies the volume, offering a punchy but loud sound that retains the input dynamics. The soften control manages high frequencies, preventing digital glare and fizz by algorithmically reshaping clip edges.

ADClip 7 also addresses the challenges of a competing loudness maximizer by balancing bass and high-frequency energy-fill algorithms. The plugin’s gain-matched mode serves two purposes: setting the slam level without the illusion of increased loudness or adjusting intersample peak levels for streaming services.

The Clip Only mode combines algorithm outputs at their respective loudness levels, allowing users to isolate clips and fine-tune softness, and enhance levels. This mode serves as a useful tool to ensure a balanced introduction of elements to the sound.


  • Windows
  • Mac


  • VST (Windows)
  • AU (Mac)



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