Cheating and Extortion Case Filed against Music Companies for Demanding License Fee

The police declare in the relief of the hoteliers and citizens that there is no such obligation to obtain a license or no-objection certificate (NOC) from the music firms in regard to performing music at marriages in 5-star hotels.

Recently at a wedding party at a city hotel, the music firms demanded lump sum amount from the families for playing Bollywood songs and that too without any proper document. The family paid Rs.89,600 to each of the firms. It was after this incident that a case was filed in the Koregaon Park police station.

Following this action, a meeting was held between Pune Police Commissioner, Amitabh Gupta and Poona Hoteliers Association (PHA), where it was instructed that if any further repetition of such an act occurs, the hoteliers are to inform the police. “Taking money in the name of copyright during marriage functions in 5-star hotels will not be tolerated. Henceforth, if anyone demands money and creates a problem, immediately contact the police. We will register a complaint against the firms concerned.”

Phonographic Performances Limited (PPL) and Novex Communication Pvt. Ltd. have been reportedly alleged of conducting such illegal acts. PHA President Sharan Shetty said that both the companies have been collecting around Rs.50,000 – 70,000 in the name of copyright laws from the customers for the last 10-15 years. He further stated that these two companies forcefully entered the city hotels and threatened the organizers. To avoid any hindrance in marriage, the families used to give in to their demands.

However, with the new orders laid out, any wedding or wedding-related functions under the Section 52(1) (za) of the Indian Copyright Act 1957 have been exempted. Hoteliers have been vested with the right to inform the police if any such activity further takes place.


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