G Clip – Free Clipping VST Plugin For Windows & Mac

GClip serves as a wave-shaping signal clipper designed to prevent the signal level from surpassing a specified maximum. The clipping function is adjustable, allowing users to choose between a hard or soft knee. The user-friendly interface consists of three primary sections: the graph display in the top-left corner, the wave display on the right, and parameter controls at the bottom-left.

The Graph Display visually represents the shape of the clipping function applied to incoming samples, with all three knobs influencing the curve’s form. Meanwhile, the Wave Display showcases the waveform after applying input gain, juxtaposed with the output signal post-clipping. This feature provides a before-and-after display, with the clipping level presented as a solid horizontal line.

Key parameter controls include Gain, enabling users to elevate the signal level before clipping, and Clip, which determines the clipping level as a percentage of the maximum sample value. For instance, a clipping level of 50% restricts samples to a range between -0.5 and 0.5 when considering a sample range from -1 to 1. Softness is a parameter defining the shape of the clipping function’s “knee,” influencing how samples approaching the clipping level are affected.

The option to enable or disable 2x Oversample is available, with oversampling helping to minimize audible aliasing that may occur, especially with more extreme settings. This feature is crucial in optimizing the output quality by reducing aliasing artifacts.

Platforms: GClip is compatible with Windows and macOS operating systems.

Formats: GClip supports VST, AU, and AAX plugin formats.

Link: https://www.gvst.co.uk/gclip.htm?pageview=selectos

Pushpendra Giri
Pushpendra Giri

Pushpendra Giri: DJ, Writer @ Suffle Music Mag. A decade in music, combat sports fan, and marketing geek. Crafting beats, telling stories. Life in sync! 🎶✍️🥊

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