Horoscope 2023: Aries

Welcome to 2023, Aries. It's a new year with more astrological events, including retrogrades and eclipses, as well as blessings from Venus and Mars. Mars is retrograde at the start of the year but goes direct on January 12. Aries season begins on March 20 and runs through April 20. There is a new moon and solar eclipse in Aries on April 20, and a full moon in Aries on September 29. These events may bring some chaos and it is advised to take it easy around these times.


Lucky numbers: 7 & 9 Experts claim odd numbers have been historically lucky for Aries. While it’s a common belief that good things don’t come in pairs, Aires’ luck is unaffected. The numbers seven and nine “are useful allies for the Ram” to help them “persevere to the end”. Aries has “a strong will to develop” in 2023, but “not every person is strong enough to bear challenges forever”.

Lucky Number

Aries is a fiery sign, ruled by Mars. Red can bring you success and good luck in any of your ventures. Red symbolises purity, aggressiveness, energy and mobility, and can bring you the blessings of Mars. In addition to red, the other colours you can choose are yellow and white. 

Lucky Color

Love & Relationship

2023 is a good year for Aries to explore their desires and be confident in expressing them, both in their romantic relationships and in their sex life. Mars going direct in January and Venus entering Aries in February can be especially lucky in love. There may be opportunities for deepening relationships in mid-January, and fireworks in the bedroom in May. Mars entering the sign of relationships in August may bring significant shifts in romantic partnerships. It is important to trust one's intuition and lean on support systems during any challenging times. Overall, 2023 is a year for living authentically and honoring romantic needs.


a good year for focusing on friendships and forming a chosen family of supportive friends. Venus entering Aquarius in January and Mercury entering Aquarius in February can be good times for catching up with friends and forming new connections. Mars entering Cancer in March may bring a focus on home life and prioritizing close relationships with friends. It is important to nurture and maintain these friendships throughout the year.


In 2023, Aries may experience significant career changes after Mars goes direct in January. This is a good time to assert professional worth and advocate for better compensation or working conditions. Venus entering Aries in February and Taurus in March may bring abundance and the opportunity to advocate for worth. It is important to set boundaries and avoid burnout during Pluto retrograde in June. Later in the year, positive feedback and public recognition may be received when Mercury enters Capricorn in December.

Important Dates

Thursday, January 12 Mars retrograde ends Friday, January 13 Juno enters Aries Monday, February 20 Venus enters Aries Monday, March 20 Aries season begins Tuesday, Marcy 21 New moon in Aries Thursday, April 20 New moon and solar eclipse in Aries Sunday, July 23 Chiron goes retrograde in Aries Friday, September 29 Full moon in Aries


Aries, 2023 is a year of astrological blessings and challenges. The year starts off with Mars, your ruling planet, in retrograde, which is a good time to focus on self-care and rest. As the year progresses, there will be several important astrological events that may affect your love life, friendships, career, and health. It's a good year for romance and relationships, but it's also important to set boundaries and prioritize self-care. You may experience challenges in your career, but you also have the opportunity to advocate for yourself and achieve greater recognition and success. It's also a good year to focus on your health and well-being, whether through self-care practices or seeking support for any lingering wounds or unresolved trauma. Overall, it's important to be flexible and trust your intuition as you navigate the ups and downs of the year.

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