FREE Time Turtle – Delay Plugin by Vox Samples

Time Turtle by Vox Samples is a versatile and free delay plugin designed to elevate your music production with its smooth, clean, and rich sound. Whether you’re crafting echoes, doubling effects, or slapback delays, Time Turtle is equipped to be your go-to tool.

Key Features:

Time and Feedback Knobs: Easily adjust the delay to your taste with these two main controls.
Sync-to-Tempo: Ensure precise BPM settings for your delay effects.
Low Cut & High Cut Filters: Add character, depth, and mellowness to your echoes.
Mix Knob: Fine-tune the blend between input and delays.
Ping Pong Toggle: Infuse fun and memorable delay effects into your productions.


Compatibility: Windows
Plugin Type: VST3
Architecture: x64

Download now: Time Turtle (Add to Cart and Move ahead)

Pushpendra Giri
Pushpendra Giri

Pushpendra Giri: DJ, Writer @ Suffle Music Mag. A decade in music, combat sports fan, and marketing geek. Crafting beats, telling stories. Life in sync! 🎢✍️πŸ₯Š

Articles: 125

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